Cats Soundtrack de uitnodiging voor het jubikelbal

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Cats Soundtrack
The Invitation to the Jubikelball
Jubikels are only fit in the evening,
Jubikels are everywhere:
the Jubikelmoon shines silvery white -
Holding Jubikels their Jubikelball.
Jubikels come, be lively, be fit,
Jubikels, on to the Jubikelball.
Jubikels are only fit in the evening,
Jubikels are everywhere then:
the Jubikelmoon shines silvery white -
Jubikels hold their Jubikelball.
Jubikels come, be cheerful, be fit,
Jubikels, on to the Jubikelball.
The Jubikelmoon shines silvery white
Jubikels come to the Jubikelbal.
Jubikels come once a year
to our Jubikelbal, that is fabulous.
We are told by the Jubikelchef there: who will the Jubikel fall on? Jubilee choice.
Then before the sun rises, Uncle Deuteromium points out in a silence - you can almost hear a pin drop -
the cat that may be reborn
and another shell as Jubilee gets.
For high above us the Ionosphere awaits
full of miracles that are only for one Jubilee
so Jubilees wonder, big and small
who will it be?
Who will it be?