Envidia Kotxina la polica naziomal

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Kotxina Envy
Healthy Bodies, Sick Minds
The Naziomal Police
We don't want police
neither night nor day
we cannot endure
this police state.
Let's all get documentation
they have tied us up in brown.
I have smoked a blow
and I have become very upset
the cops have stopped me
I They have even looked in the balls
they have taken us to the alley
they have given me a beating
they have taken us to the alley
they have given me a beating
with the same eye purple
the cops have signed me
with a stained finger
they have left me on the street
let's all get documentation
they have tied us in brown
we They have taken us to the alley
they have beaten us up
murderous police
subnormal Nazis
they will not smoke my pipes
in their zeta car.