Human Future cycle

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The mirage suddenly faded
Over years grown silent
Humbled by uncountable wrongs
So afraid and thus alone
You're failing to live
You've become a voyeur
Guarded from external threat
So long spent alone for comfort
Time lost as life creeps onwards
Vicarious life in video
A projection, watching the world
Living. Feeling. Dying.
Trapped in the web
Primed to search for more
With eyes to see it all.
We could witness a litany
Ceaseless torment globally
Obfuscated with laughter
Dreading the seconds to follow
Why face a threat head on
In principle or masochism
Where is the reward
For being in harm's way
Heroism nor bravery appeal
Just fear of pain and loss
So sit and stare at the screen
Always remain where you've been
Sleep away a timid life
Whilst dreams are no escape