Jacky Cheung fan nao ge

Seleccione el idioma para traducir esta letra

bÃ1 i of bù i of dìrÇo
ä ̧ç±çä ̧æºæoæ°
nÇ Ã i of bÃ1 zà i huà o
ä1⁄2 ç±çºä ̈§¨æ§æ±
dédà the shÇu of good xÅ«yà o
å3⁄4å° æçä ̧馦
kÄwÃng yÅngyÇu of débudà or
æ ́ææ¥æç ¥3⁄4a ̧å°
Construction of the shÅng xià o xià o
è¦æ¼åä ̄ ̄ å ́声ç¬ç¬
shÄnghuÃ3 bÃ1yàor with the two choices or
çæ ç¥ ̈
two of them are in connection
åäoxeå°±ä1⁄4å ̧¦æ¥°æ/
[email protected]@-----
guòzhÃ2ng de bÄùo guÃib of bà ozà o
is the same as
shénme of the bùynme shé give it to you
to be able to do it
----------- -
It's my favorite girl
to be there. « æ2¡æ§ç¦æ¼1⁄4
what hÃxÄ« is good zhÃ2ngyà o
é¤äºº¥¼åº®¶Ã¥Ã¥ è¦
what are the dreams of the day
xÄ«nshi xiÃng yÇ¡o yuà ̈ more yuúoyáo

this fan ©nme fan
what's the difference
what's the best way to bully

Rénmen búi qúnmÃnmÃnmúoiniÃ>äo
shìjià ̈ bÇ wÇ d ìjià ̈ zìwÇ suÃxiÇo
ä ̧
bÇ1 zà ¬jÇ10 dà ngzuÃ2 tià ozao
they are good zhÃde jiÃo

RénjiÄnn zhÄ« duÃshÇo
äooé3⁄4c¦º3¥ å¤å°
there's a few days or there's a shower
it's å°
bùliìo yÄqiè kéng wánxià o
ä ɑ ɑ ɑ ̈ɑẑе ̈ ̈ ̈ ́est ©ç¬
chǬochoonàonào xiàng G day
o I'm going to kill you
Repeat @@
bùhé béjià o, bÃ1hé zhÃng Ço
ä ɑ ̧åººè° âæ ̄è3⁄4à ä ɑ ̧¥ °ao§æ
something for sugar, synthetic, beautiful synthetic
»1⁄2溺觺 å 庺ººè§ºº
yÄqià ̈ qÃngyúhÃ3ngmráºo
é ̧¿æ ̄
this is not a fun business
that's Repeat Reff1
Repeat Reff2
Repeat Reff2
shénme déu bÃ1yy o
ä»aä1é½ä ̧覦a
shénme of the beauty
a»a1éé½ä¸ä ̧¦a
shenme of the beauty of
a»a1éé½ä¦ä ̧