Keep Flying live together die alone

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I'm not concerned
This world is smaller than it seems
Maybe if you look outside you'll see just what I mean
And I don't mean outside your window
Perspective is so quintessential
A captain's role is not that simple
I don't ever realize my potential
(I use) ten percent of my brain and I'd kill for the other ninety
Maybe then I'd have the strength to put my own road blocks behind me
So I'm making plans to change this misanthropic mind of
mine and i've got a funny feeling I actually mean it this time.
Because if I stay for one more
second, my soul will die at twenty-seven
And I won't pay the cost for another lowlife lost
I take back what I said.
I'm quite concerned that there's things I should have
learned, like the right things to do to keep my breathing
Because I can't think about salaries or calories, formalities
They all just constantly fight me and it does nothing for my psyche.
Just to stay alive, I had to give myself away
We had a funeral and a birth on the same day
It took me all of a year to accept that I'm okay
We had a funeral and a birth on the same day