Los Planetas si me diste la espalda

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If you turned your back on me
just when I needed you,
now it doesn't matter,
now there are a thousand demons
taking your place.
Some things never change
/>and others have to change
to make room for us
so that we can breathe.
I don't feel anything more in life
than being made of a single metal
and that you are made of so many metals.
I regret nothing more
than not being able to be with you,
it is where I wanted to be.
And now I want to get lost
and never find you again.
The sun comes out and hits the glass,
and if it doesn't break the glass,
what the hell is it going to break?
br/>If we meet again
someday by chance,
you won't be able to say that I didn't try,
that I gave up my mind
trying to solve
the enigma that prevents me from understanding you,
that stands between us like a wall.
If we meet again...