Satinder Sartaaj chaupai sahib

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Patshai Dasvi Kabio Bach Baanti Chaupai (p.
1721 Dasam Granth)
Our hands have given you the research. >Prepare your life. (1)
O Lord, protect me with Your Hand, thus my heart's desire be fulfilled.
May my mind ever seek the refuge of Your Feet, and You sustain me as Your very Own.(1)
I have dust with all my brothers and you have saved everything; Happy basaimoro privara saivak sikh sbhai kartara. (2)
destroy all my enemies and protect me with Your Hand.
Thus make my house-hold, servants and followers ] rest in peace. (2). (3)
O Lord, extend Your Personal protection to me and kill all my enemies here and now May my this wish be fulfilled and I ever yearn to reflect my mind on You. (3). (4)
Lord, Bless me that I should never abandon You and think of any one else.
Whatever boons I seek I should obtain from You.
Liberate all my servants and followers, pick each and every one and destroy them, who are obstacles in my well being. (4)
You have given me the dust of yesterday. (5)
Pray, ferry me across, giving me Your Hand, and destroy the fear of death in me. .
O Mighty Lord of the Sword (All Wisdom), be ever at my back, and protect me. (4) (6)
You are the Protector of the Saints, protect me too, as You are my only Protector.
You are the Savior of the weak and Destroyer of tyrants.
O the Lord of fourteen worlds (according to Puranic conception). (6). (7)
Time came when Brahma appeared in physical form, then Shiva was incarnated and then Visnu.
It is all the Play of the Temporal Lord. (7)
How bad is the king Brahma who is a yogi in his youth? (8)
The Temporal Lord created Shiva, the Yogi; Brahma, the Utterer of Vedas.
The Temporal Lord, Who fashioned the entire Universe, I salute to Him alone. (8)
jvn kal sabh jagat bnaio dev daint jchchan oopjaio adi aunti aikai avtara soei guru smjhiayho hmara (9)
He, Who is the Creator of Time and the Universe, also created the angels, demons and yakshas.
He alone was in the beginningand will also be at the end of the Time.
He alone is my Guru. [9] (10)
I make my obeisance to Him alone, Who has created all His subjects and preserves them.
He has blessed His devotees with all merits and happiness and destroys enemies instantaneously. (10)
The man who entered the ghat was looking for the first pachan of evil and blossomed on the dusty tree in the evening. (11)
He, Who is inner Knower of all hearts, knows the sorrows of all creatures, good or bad.
He casts His Graceful Glance on all from the meek ant to huge elephant and feel pleased. (11)
When the sun gets sorrow, the sadhu gets happiness and then the happiness of the sadhu is given again and again. (12)
He is pained, when His saints are pained; and feels happiness when they are happy.
He understands what pains each of the hearts of the creatures and their innermost workings. (12)
When He, the Creator, evolved Himself, His creation manifested itself in innumerable forms. .
When He dissolves the creation, all the physical forms are merged back in Him. (13)
He has created numerous forms and bodies.
They utter Him as they can think, what He is.
He, however, lives Detached from all.
This distinction the wise ones and the religious books know. [14] (15)
He is Formless, Stainless and Self-reliant.
He is the Primal Power, Blemishless, Beginningless and does not take birth.
The fools claim boastfully about the knowledge of His secrets. , which even Vedas do not know. (15)> (16)
The fools consider Him a stone, for He does not know the Profound Mysterym that is God.
He calls Shiva, The Eternal Lord, and does not know the secret of the Formless Lord. (16)
You are the wiser of your own eyes. (17)
Every one according to his understanding, describes You differently.
The limits of Your creation cannot be known, nor how in the beginning You wrought the Universes. (17)
aikai roop anoop sroopa runk bhyo rav kehi bhoopa audj jairj saitj kini ootbhuj khani bhor rchi deeni (18)
You are One, manifest in varied forms, as a poor man, rich manor a king .
You create the egg born, the sweat born, the earth born and the fetus born. (18) (19)
Sometimes You joyfully appear in the form of Brahma expanding the creation, and some time in the form of contracting and dissolving Shiva.
He shows His miraculous deeds to all His creation of the Universe.< br/>He, the Primal Power, born of Himself is since the beginning of beginning. (18) (20)
O Lord, now keep me under Your protection, encourage my followers to flourish and destroy my enemies (negative thinking).
All the evil doers who arise (in my mind), fight with them. and destroy them there and then. [20] (21)
O Mighty Lord of the Sword (Knowledge)+, whosoever seeks Your protection, his enemies (evil passions) suffer pain and are destroyed.
The persons, who fall on Your Feet, You remove all their afflictions and maladies. [21] (22)
Those who meditate even once (with complete devotion) on You, the Supreme Destroyer, the Death cannot come near them.
They remain protected at all times.
All their enemies and sorrows are removed instantaneously. [22] (23)
Upon whomsoever dawns Your Grace, their sins and afflictions are instantly removed.
They are blessed with all the earthly and spiritual treasures, and no evil doer can even touch their shadows. (22) (24)
O God, he who remembered You even once, You saved him from the noose of Death.
Whosoever meditates on Your Name, he overcomes his poverty, suffering and adversity. (24)
What is the essence of everything that you have left behind in your hands? (25)
O The Lord of Sword (Knowledge), I seek Your protection.
Protect me with Your Own Hands.
Extend Your support to me wherever I be, and save me from the evil doers. (25). The scriptures are poor in the morning. Kilbikh will destroy the whole body. Dusht dokhiyan ko chhai karta ||26||
The Mother of the world has been kind towards me and I have completed the book this auspicious night; The Lord is the destroyer of all the sins of the body and all the malicious and wicked persons. (26)
Sri asidhuj jab bhae dayaaalaa|| Pooran Karaa Granth Tatkaalaa|| When I reach there, I fall asleep. Dookh na tisai bia koepate||27||
When Mahakal became kind, He immediately caused me to complete this book; He will obtain the fruit desired by the mind (who will read or listen to this book) and no suffering will occur to him. (27)
Sunai gung jo yaahe su rasnaa paavaee|| Sunai moorh chit laae chaturtaa aavaee|| Don't worry, sister-in-law will not leave the tin room. Ho jo yaaki ek baar chaupai ko hai||28||
The dumb, who will listen to it, will be blessed with the tongue to speak; the fool, who will listen to it attentively, will get wisdom; That person will be absolved of suffering, pain or fear, who will even once recite this Chaupai-prayer. (28)
Sanbhat satrah sahas bhanijai|| Aradh sahas phun teen kahijai||
Bhaadrav sudi ashtami ravi vaaraa|| Teer satuddrav granth sudhaaraa||29||
It was Bikrami Samvat 1753;
This book was competed on the banks of Sutlej on Sunday, the eighth Sudi of the month of Bhadon. (29) Raam Raheem Puraan Quran aneyk kahai mat eyk na maanyo||
O God!
the day when I caught hold of your feet, I do not bring anyone else under my sight; no one else is liked by me now; the Puranas and the Quran try to know Thee by the names of Ram and Rahim and talk about you through several stories, but I do not ac Sri asipaan kripaa tumri kar mai na kahyo sabh tohe bakhaanyo||863||
The Simritis, Shastras and Vedas describe several mysteries of yours, but I do not agree with any of them.
O sword-wielder God!
This all has been described by Thy Grace, what power can I have to write all this? (863) I have forsaken all other doors and have caught hold of only Thy door.
O Lord!
You have caught hold of my arm; I, Govind, am Thy serf, kindly take (care of me and) protect my honour. (864)