The Toyes middle aged white guys

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Middle aged white guys are not all bad
We do look funny dancing but we're not all bad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Only some of us'll tell you that you don't belong
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Ask your mom. We're not all bad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Only some of us'll tell you that you don't belong
For Christmas cards camera phone photos
Of that booze cruise to Riyadh
The sheik fucked my teenage daughter
But I bought his oil for water
Next year build condos in Baghdad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
We might be kind of bossy but we're not all bad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Only some of us'll tell you that you don't belong
We want your fear, we want your money
That's how we play the game to win
Our hunger has no limit
Eat the world and all that's in it
Leaving our waste where we have been
But middle aged white guys are not all bad
Swear to God. We're not all bad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Only some of us'll tell you that… Kids!
No, no, they're not all bad, not all bad
No, no, they're not all bad
Only some of us will tell you that you don't belong
You anchor baby dropping, brown skinned wetbacks
With your job stealing, crime increasing, economy sapping ways
Where the hell did you people come from anyway
With your strange sounds and your strange smells?
Where are your papers? Show me your papers!
Damn freeloaders here to take what I got
You should all be herded onto a giant bus at gunpoint
And sent the hell away
And don't come back, don't come back!
But middle aged white guys are not all bad
We do look funny dancing but we're not all bad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Only some of us'll tell you that you don't belong
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Ask your mom. We're not all bad
Middle aged white guys are not all bad
Only some of us'll tell you that you don't belong
Only some of us will tell you