Alex Britti solo una volta o tutta la vita

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There was the moon, there were the stars there was a new emotion on the skin there was the night, there were flowers even in the dark you could see the colors there was the desire to still be together perhaps for fun anyway we feel like walking around hand in hand and telling each other that the world is strange to us Once upon a time or maybe there were two there was a cow, a donkey and an ox there was a night with only one star but it was big bright and beautiful and if we feel like it maybe we'll go to the sea so we can splash around in the water and then swim, play dead afloat we'll check if the moon is still yellow and while the others are still sleeping maybe they dream of us and while the sky clears it clears up we will watch tonight as time goes by, the hours pass and finally we will make love just once or all our lives let's hope before the summer is over time goes by, hours go by I wish I could not wash away the smell of this night still to be understood but too bad it will have to end If everything passes everything is already over too bad I haven't understood it yet even if you are no longer between my fingers I will remember tonight all my life and if tomorrow I miss you it will be because I no longer have sky in the room, I will have a photo to remember how much I could tell you that night about the weather........................ If I have no more words in my drawer, a poem that I have never said, an adventure to remember when I have nothing left to say, when I go walking down the street, whatever happens, every time I return to the sea I will have something to remember the time goes................................