Benighted les morsures du cerbre

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Distortion of reality
Sitting in front of the epigram where visions of barbed wire germinate
Pounding your ardor
I defile the shabby benches where you once abused
Of your insolent grace, of scarlet fire of your cheeks,
Follow the path where the breaths howl, I drag...
Your absences mutilate me, your candor animates me
My fertile desires are so heavy
Eradic this barbaric peril, let it cease
Like an imposter parasite, I drag on forever
In order to dive and quench my thirst
In a hollow of silky epidermis with subtle scents
The snake charmers
When the solstice comes I will become your master
In the twilight of the mists, the chaos of darkness
I will wrap your body in a cocoon of silk
I will flee the rumor, I will stifle the echo
There will be only fear
In the traces of struggle, other cells will burst forth
The burning tears crawling down my face
The bites of the cerberus
Let the embryo die
In this dreary city enclosure
Where the fertile flowers spring forth
The wind calls to me, guides me and submits me to you, poor larva
Where you fail, I rise from discordance
I melt into the pores
Trampling the harshness
The acid moistures bear witness,
Betray your impulses
The monochrome glow of your troubled gaze
Mutilate my forgiveness, stir up the cerberus
Conjure the blood which will intoxicate the taste of your betrayal
The arrival of the guardian on the throne