Halfbrick feat. Barry Steakfries shirt sleeves

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I need some new shirt sleeves please!
I need some new shirt sleeves ple-EEEEASE!
I need some new sleeves, I ripped my shirt
I don't wanna be a jerk, but I gotta go to work
And I need some new shirt sleeves, I need some new shirt sleeves
You did a great job with these
You did a great job with the-EEEEESE
The job you did with these deserves some champagne
I'd like to proclaim that you're the best in the game
I'm gonna spread your name- OH NO! I've done it again!
You charge such reasonable fees!
You charge such reasonable fee-EEEEESE!
Your fees are reasonable, you charge a great price!
You've already fixed them twice, now it's about to be thrice!
That champagne on ice was shirt-rip-ping-ly NICE!
I've got a shirt ripping disease
I've got a shirt ripping dis-eee-EEEEEASE!
I've got a disease, YEAH! I think I'm unwell
You can probably tell that I often feel compelled
To get excited and to yell and rip my shirt's MA-TE-RI-AL!
And now I need some new shirt sleeves still!
I need some new shirt sleeves sti-IIIILLL!
I need some sleeves still, I'm your number one client
So if you wouldn't mind, would you be so kind
As to fix these sleeves of mine because I'm nearly out of time!