Hedningarna rven

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Red lips hide your teeth
and your tongue is so rough
Fire and frost are in your eyes
are you woman or fox?
Hunting sly and wild in the night
Long sleeves hide your claws
Playing lustfully with your prey
your mouth is red with blood
Nouse kirki kiimalle
perähyöry hen manure
Nouse ilman nojumata
kihko ilman kirromata
Wild and dangerously beautiful ä r you
The skirt barely hides your tail
Luring further into the bog
with your crazy predatory dance
Just when your clothes have fallen
and your naked body I've seen
you laugh and open your mouth
give me deep love bites
Desire rises to lively pleasure
sap rushes up the trunk
Rises the silk's help in front of the window
rushes without galling straight