Instrumental Love Songs romantic dinner music

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Our Beautiful Apple Love
A Love Song For Bernice Kinya
by Roy the Prince
This one's for you Lady Bern bern!
My love for you is like the most Beautiful Apple,
Your face reminds me of Charming Butterflies,
Together, we are like Nyama choma and milk shake and Ketchup.
Oh darling Bernice Kinya,
My Beautiful Apple,
My Charming Mangoe,
The perfect companion to my Nyama choma and milk shake soul.
Roses are red,
Skies are blue,
I like Dawn,
But not as much as I love Dancing with you!
Oh darling Bernice Kinya,
Your Heart are like Lovely Flower on a Summer day,
You're like the most Sexy Lawyer to ever walk Garden City.
Your Charming Butterflie face,
Your Ketchup soul,
Your Lovely Heart,
Your Sexy Lawyer being...
How could I look at another when our Beautiful Apple love is so strong?
I love you Lady Bern bern!