Koldbrann drammen

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Commune gray haze, note November
Enclosed landscapes at the end of the tunnel
On bare ground, in search of a direction
A crippled chance for life
The one, and the fifty-four thousand
on the same cobblestones and concrete
Sleepwalkers of the civil tyranny
in repetitive patterns, drifting by
Dreams put on hold
The broken mirror, the river of loneliness
Drabant's cold colossi
shining like a mausoleum
Self-imposed insulation
Away from the desecrated streets
With all escape routes bricked up
Grønland thirty-six
Lead me against the current
to the shores of the shadow side
to Landfall's estates
Let us descend into those rke chambers
and never be found again
Into the Castle from Drammen
Cut to the bone
A whiff of earth and sex
Torn from the socket< br/>in bad intoxication and bad mood
Of free will, in free decay
let us give way to art
Unholy stimuli, the sparks of hatred
Destruction on ¥ prescription
With innocence scattered to all winds
With single-track metal out of step with the times
With obscure riffs from hell
chiseled out of the Animal in us
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Municipal gray haze, pitch dark November
Enclosed landscapes at the end of the tunnel
On bare ground, in search of a direction
A mutilated chance to life
The one, and the fifty-four thousand
one selfsame cobblestone and concrete
Sleepwalkers of the civil tyranny
in repeating patterns, drifting past
Dreams put on hold
The broken mirror, river of solitude
Suburban cold colossuses
shine like a mausoleum
Self-imposed isolation
Away from the bloodlet streets
With all escape routes shut
Greenland thirty-six
Lead me against the current
to the shores of the dark side
to the secrets of Landfall
Let's go down to the dark chambers
and never again be found
Into the Castle from Drammen
Cut to the bone
A stench of mildew and pudendum
Torn from sound thought
in bad intoxication and bad mood
Of free will, in free decay
Let's give way to the art
Unholy stimuli, arsonist of hate
Prescribed destruction
With all innocence scattered
With narrow-minded metal out of touch with time
With obscure riffs from hell
chiseled out by the Beast within us