Promoe problem

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I step out into the raised water level and pretend it's raining
Which it probably does until we get flooded
You can rap about the greenhouse effect o pretend it's swinging
I don't have time for the environment but I need money
Sure, things are going well right now
But who knows in a few years when I'll be full of gray hairs,
Gotta think about retirement and make that million,
Can don't focus on the Middle Eastern situation (No)
Then the tax office and the bailiff will soon come
And effectively take all the food off the table
So if I ever have children in the future and drive home from school
So I had a car once upon a time but debt collection took it.
Just because I persisted in hugging trees
I'll let some conscious rapper take it
And the day it's driven for our world
Then I'm already dead or running for all I'm worth
Our problems, we run from them
We run fast, as fast as we can
Our problems them is faster than us
We can no longer run away from them
But it can hardly be called a luxury problem when everything seems to go wrong
And collapses as if nothing is built on stone
For what really has a solid foundation these days
Terrorism and aggression are the right answers
Heart attack, it's easy to get stressed by it
Not enough to fill the stomach, you look at the fat layer
On Svenssons who don't seem to want to let go
On the remote control, we want to control the fear, the hate
For Africans, Pakistanis and mostly Arabs
And anyone who cheers for the worst team
As long as we have new gadgets and devices
Better than freedom seems to be almost having it
But we are not neutral in a world that burns just wait
Do you sometimes feel like me ? "can't someone let me go?"
It seems that as long as the blood doesn't discolour
On the flag of Svea kingdom we turn a blind eye to international law scandals
Our problems, we run away from them
We run fast, as fast as we can
Our problems they are faster than us
We can no longer run away from them
Your problems are my problems
My problems are their problems< br/>Their problems are our problems
My problems are your problems are our problems are their problems and the living will see
Our problems, we run from them
We run fast, the fastest we can
Our problems they are faster than us
We can no longer run away from them