Racija hn

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Look, there's a tree over there, it blooms every June in my yard.
He planted it in his time, laughed at his seedling just a branch.
When the first snow covered it, he sheltered the sapling, taking care to keep it so tender.
He ran in his thkes almost fell while running, laughed to tears.
She was a fairy, which lie. Sometimes I told the truth, I'll eat you in my mouth.
Once he brought home a puppy, kept it under the blanket, all night.
When we were watching TV, he even believed the commercials, I remember that.
And because he cried some sobbing, sometimes a little ashamed.
It's just like a dream
Now I'm back again
A memory like a forgotten one
I get something again
He broke the vacuum cleaner and afraid that I would get angry, I took it away
When I found it under the bed, he told me evasively, it didn't work
Once when I missed work, I saw him crying, like the world
the end would be.
And exactly one year ago, when we got the summer we were waiting for, he withered away
It's just like a dream...
It was a morning in May, when the magazine broke I woke up the branches of the tree
Then I noticed that he had to go, not alone, not alone
And like an empty stage, he left behind this studio, now silent
And now a year it's made the tree bloom again as if I remembered
Look, there's a tree there, it blooms every June in my yard
He planted it in his time, the branch just laughed at his seedling