Robin Williams bush cheney and the obamas explicit audio

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Its like your going
last thing I remember was the economy was working and there was a budget surplus
Where's Clinton
We empeached him
for what
a blowjob
who did he blow, Putin
He got blown be a Jewish girl
He got heads from a Jewish, fucking A
and they impeached him for that
well he lied about
he's married
who would'nt
what the fuck
no he lied about to Congress
and those fuckers impeached him
That's like a group of lepers judging a beauty contest what the fuck
wow that's nuts
and they enquited him
oh cool, and who was next
no, Bush
he was already President
no, this was his son
oh the one from Florida, he's kinda cool
no the one from Texas
Junior, fuck
my god, he-
the one who traded Sammy's sofa
Fuck yeah
how was he as President
kinda goofy
he waved at Stevy Wonder
What the fuck
its like wow
and then
what did he do
well he took a lot of vacations
and then what happened
we got attacked
by who
Osama Bin Ladin
the guy from Afganistan
didn't we used to send him weapons
ya, I know
We went after him right
did we get him
well then-
what you mean almost
we went after Hussein, because he had weapons of mass destruction
that guy from Syria, I knew that fuck would do this
no the one from Irac
Somma Hussein
Bush Senior kicked his ass
yeah he did
and we got him
oh fuck we got him
and we found the weapons of mass destruction, cause he would tell you where they
well they executed him
and did you get Bin Ladin
oh, well almost
we got four of his number three's
but he's in Afghanistan
he might be in Pakistan
well lets go after him in Pakistan
well they is a prouble there
they're allies and they have weapons of mass destruction
what about the economy
well we had to bail out the banks
fuck yeah
and now, who's the President
a black guy
oh yeah right
there is a black President
and there is a Latino in the Supreme Court
there is
Oh my god
who's the President, Jesse Jackson
no his name is, Barack hussein Oboma
now your fuckin with me
fuck off
and that's where we found ourselves today
we have an African-American, he was not born in Africa
even though the birthers going
he was born in Africa
yes and his campaign was financed by a Nigerian Prince on the internet, come with
me my friend
It's like they're worst nightmare, would have been at Inauguration, going
Mr. Obama, you are now the President of the United States
Hillary, where's the booty, where's the booty, where's the booty
What the fuck
and you have to break his name down
To be Continued