Stupeflip pleure pas stupeflip tales from the crew feat cadillac fan 2 stup

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Bye ! Bye ! Bye ! Goodbye...
Goodbye Stupeflip! For so many years you helped me so much
You taught me so many things
Thank you Stupeflip!
A big thank you for opening my eyes!
Thank you very much Stupeflip!
But... I have to tell you something, don't take this the wrong way but I'm starting to get tired of it
Tired of being in front of the computer screen computer!
To give you something to eat every day
So I decided to throw everything away!
What? What are we going to do with the rabbits?
Well we're going to kill them! And make little coats with their skins (help!) What a question...
Little coats that will keep you warm in winter!
When everyone is laughing, we no longer see any little ones bird in the sky, because they're holed up somewhere
We can't see these motherfuckers, these little shit birds
What the fuck am I talking about here...< br/>What? What ?? But not too much!
Not too much! Mr. Stupeflip! Because it’s over, over, over! Ok?
Nah... ah but no...
Nah but don't cry Stupeflip
(Don't cry Stupeflip)
But yeah but there were some nice moments.. .
(Don't cry S..)
(Don't cry Stupid...)