a truth called nothing song to rock remastered

I've never felt this way in myself
Like I'm in control
I need to step outside of myself
To rock 'n roll
Playing my guitar
In a room without a light
Put myself to the test
And in the end, it feels all right
But I can be so blind
Need to pretend I'm someone else
To be me
But I might lose track of whatever it is
I want to be
When you're confined in your preconcieved ideas
Your own identity
May construct your enemies
But I can be so difficult
The stage is set for the bold to take
As I force my hand
To make the weak understand
I'm not gonna play my guitar anymore
I've been trying to stop
The guitar is a luxury I cannot afford
I'm not ready to rock
And I didn't play my guitar for about seven years
Directing machine
From a podium in my mind
Whilst collecting the names
And smashing the chimes
When you're confined in your preconcieved ideas
Your own identity
May convince you to be sincere
And do it one mome time