Abdication revenge to heaven

For the end of time, I'm waiting in my prison
Corrupting the souls – Since I have my deal
Oh and it was I, who was spreading lies
Seduced their souls and possessed their minds
And throughout the time I have lead mankind
My own glorious way, by my ancient rights
Patient I'm waiting to begin the greatest siege
In the depth of hell I command my legions
Look into the sky when it's time to die
Will you pay the price or you'll be forgiven
Sinners are my prize and they serve forever
When I get your soul – I avenge to heaven
And I was so close to become the only one
When Creator will fall – my revenge is done
The Christ was crucified, his death delays my hour
Redemption through sacrifice is a mock of my power
Wasted souls, that condemned to burn forever
Love – no more, there is only hate and anger
Patient they are waiting to begin the greatest siege
In the depth of hell I command my legions