Abigail Miller he let her come

I wonder just how long she waited watching from afar
As Jesus healed the sick the blind the lame
Tortured in her fear she must have longed to know His touch
But her weakness made her hide herself in shame
Until the day that only one thing mattered anymore
When she pushed aside herself and pride
And stepped out through her door
And He could've turned at anytime
And touched her if He chose
He didn't have to wait until
She stumbled through to reach His clothes
But He let her come to Him
Through her weakness and her sin
He drew her with His love
And healed her soul
The crowded street was dusty
It was hot and hard to see
But none of this could keep her from Him now
So she found Him and she touched Him
And she trembled as she knew
The healing that has swept through her somehow
She looked into His face
And nothing mattered anymore
Except that she had found Him
Her Saviour and her Lord
And He could've turned at anytime
And touched her if He chose
He didn't have to wait until
She stumbled through to reach His clothes
But He let her come to Him
Through her weakness and her sin
He drew her with His love
And healed her soul
Oh bring me to the place
Where nothing matters anymore
But to know Your grace and see Your face
My Saviour and my Lord
He lets me come to Him
Through my weakness and my sin
He draws me with His love
And heals my soul