Absent/Minded earthtone

down at earth
imagine the deep
the depths of dust
like little ants, we've looked to sky
watch the universe, drifts together
monumental galaxies
clouds of dust, clouds of birth
searchin and seeking, our entire lives
we all die one day
there is no here and no way out
where we are – going through
what if – all this – is not supposed
to be – our lifes?
we are way from here
millon miles, opun the athomshere
it starts with dust
and we will dust again, in aeons of time
hear the first sign
deep inside, you can hear
inside your soul
the EARTHTONE fall
like little ants, we've looked to sky
monumental galaxies
where we all born, where we all from and we all die – one day
hear – the EARTHTONE – come
let – let the EARTHTONE – flow
together – with the EARTHTONE – fall