Acda en De Munnik kees

Acda and De Munnik
Damn it Kees, it's already been a year today
That you were buried
It's crazy how quickly you get used to it
Because God you know, I liked you very much
I knew what I wanted from you
Well, what do you call that
Except that I miss you a little bit
Well, in my way
Is everything the same here
Don't think Kees that much has changed
At most a small thing
In barely 1 year's time
There is still star advertising
And at the political names
There is 1 new one: Drees
And there are intercity trains
And you got different curtains
I'm afraid, Kees
Damn Kees, a a year is a long time
If you don't see each other
I don't really know
It all just goes on as usual
And it's running, I think now
Here even without you
Carmiggelt still writes in the Parool
And the Apollos are going
Still to the moon
Oh yes, your daughter is going to school now
And next year your son
But oh well, that's very normal
And yet when I hear myself talking like that
There are suddenly gaps between my clichés
Because your roses no longer bloom< br/>Because they don't spray enough
That says something, I'm afraid, Kees
Damn it Kees, I don't know anymore
Keep thinking about what you said
It's okay all over
And that the time of life again and again
Just started again
Nothing new under the sun
But that is not true, because you were only you
You have wandered around here
And that will never be repeated
When I see your house, you are part of it
And besides a children's bicycle
I'm also missing something
And further there is nothing to report
There is still oil floating on the Scheldt
There are still cafes
And I just heard the rest
Besides the song: Long will she live
Great, I'm afraid, Kees