Adam Marsland talking about myself

Talking about myself again
He's been my favorite topic lately
He's the only one I know
Who can debate me and win
I've lost someone else again
I can't seem to stop it
If I could find a plea I'd cop it
And bow out gracefully
But it feels so good
When it seems someone is listening
To my brilliant opinions
And it's such a relief
To know that I'm existing
when I'm lecturing to my minions
Talking about myself again
Monopolized the conversation
Deny the art of self-deprecation at your own risk
A gathering of a few good friends
And I find myself doing a handstand
Occupying a grandstand
Of my own construction
Let me show you my house
Let me show you my etchings
Let me choose the places we go
Before my better self returns
I know that she'll be retching
At my unchecked ego
Why don't you hate me?
Why do you stay here day after day?
Why do you love me?
Why do you let me have my way?