Adi Smolar eks za ex ljubico

Adi Smolar
Eks Za Ex Ljubica
Today I will gather a stomach full of intoxication
and wait, wait for him to hug me.
She left she is a woman, I grieve for her,
instead of tears I need consolation.
I move from old age to old age,
they are so bad that my feet hurt from walking.
Well, what if I drink the whole beach,
what's the point, I need a drink today.
One liter, two liters, three liters, beer and wine.
Ex for an ex lover, for love and for old dreams.
And I drink, drink, everything they have,
I pour into myself, whatever they give me.
My mind tells me: Hey, be careful!< br/>And the heart: Drink it, èetud will pick you up.
One litre, two litres, three litres, beer and wine.
Ex for ex lover, for love and for old dreams.< br/>The whole world spins, spins like a bet,
My heart is pumping alcohol into my head.
But I feel that strength is growing in me,
no, not sadness, no ¡ twisted me today.
One liter, two liters, three liters, feast and brandy.
Ex for ex-lover, for love and for old dreams.
I'm getting closer to complete darkness,
but where is she, I wonder drunkenly.
Maybe in Vienna, maybe in Paris?
Oh my delirium, at least you're close.
One liter, two liters, three liters, pir and Ēžganje.
Eks for an ex-lover, for love and for old dreams.
One liter, two litres, three litres, pir and Ēžganje.
Eks for an ex-lover, for love and for an old dream.
When I'm drunk, I don't mourn
no, when I'm drunk I don't need women, no no.
I drown my wound in my stomach,
I don't care, I don't care what happens with me.
One litre, two litres, three litres, a feast and a feast.
Ex for an ex-girlfriend, for love and for old dreams.
One litre, two litres, three litres, a feast and marriage.
Ex for ex-lover, for love and for old dreams.