Adi Smolar se treba bo oenit

Adi Smolar
Se Bo OŽenit
The room is, as always, cluttered,
I don't even know where I put any thing.
From the tweets old food stinks,
I haven't washed the dishes in a long time.
Shirts, coolers, everything is faded,
a strange spirit comes from the closet,
whatever I grab, everything it's unwashed:
T-shirts, shirts, socks, buy sheets…
He will have to get married,
it can't go on like this!
Something must be done,
it must not be delayed!
Goodbye, single days,
I will miss you!
I will have to get married,
that will be the best way!
Sleep and I eat irregularly,
it's not at all strange that I don't gain weight.
I feel miserable at parties:
everyone is in pairs, but I sit alone.
Friends married people say:
What Oh yeah èakaš, now is extreme èas!
Parents who want grandchildren
bother me quietly and loudly!
I will have to get married,
it can't go on like this!
Something must be done,
it must not be delayed!
Goodbye, single days,
I will miss you!
I will have to get married,
so it will be the best!
My hair is changing into a bald head,
wrinkles are creeping onto my face.
My youth is at its last hour,
the hour is catching up with me from all sides.
Shoulders are increasingly drooping,
the back is becoming crooked and stiff,
elbows and knees are creaking...
Soon I will be too ugly for the wedding!
You will have to get married,
it won't go on like this!
Something must be done,
it must not be delayed!
Goodbye, single days,
we are behind you he will be sorry!
We will have to get married,
this will be the best!
We will have to get married,
it cannot go on like this!
Something must be done,
it must not be delayed!
Goodbye, single days,
I will miss you!
We will have to get married,
that will be the best way!
Goodbye, single days,
I will miss you!
We will have to get married,
that will be the best way!