Aegis paskung pasko

Christmas, Oh oh oh…
Oh Why is this? Oh aha…
Easter, oh oh oh…
Not even a penny, oh oh oh …
Oh, how sad my Christmas is
Easter- Christmas I'm disappointed,
I was terminated by my boss
I was terminated by my sweetheart,
Christmas, Oh oh oh…
What? t looks at me, oh aha…
Easter oh oh oh…
Let's break up, oh oh oh...
Oh, what can we do?
What to think about Christmas?
It's only a few hours until Noche Buena...
Oh, my God, help me...
Easter, Oh oh oh...
Oh Why is this ? Oh aha…
Easter, oh oh oh…
Not a penny, oh oh oh …
Easter, Oh oh oh…
Oh Why is it like this? Oh aha…
Christmas, oh oh oh…
Not even a penny, oh oh oh …
Oh, what can be done?
What to think about Christmas?
It's only a few hours until Noche Buena...
Oh, my God, help me...
Easter, Oh oh oh...
Oh Why is this ? Oh aha…
Easter, oh oh oh…
Not a penny, oh oh oh …
Easter, Oh oh oh…
Ba I'm looking at you, oh aha…
Easter oh oh oh…
Let's break up, oh oh oh...
Easter, Oh oh oh… (O , My God, listen to me!)
Oh Why is this? Oh aha… (Oh, my God, give me back my job!)
Christmas oh oh oh… (Oh, my God, help me!)
Not one penny, oh oh oh … (Oh, my God, give me back my sweetheart!)
Christmas, Oh oh oh… (Oh, my God, have mercy!)
Why are you staring at me, oh aha… (Oh, my God, you are my only hope!)
Christmas oh oh oh… (Oh, my God, listen to me! )
Let's break, oh oh oh... (Oh, my God, take care of yourselves!)