Aeternitas a raven s flight over a burning eden

A view of all below me.
The smoke stacks billowing
a paradise taken for granted
Now human's waste and sin.
This world now burns below me
My path so distant and bleak.
These fires engulf all I once knew
A silken forest of cinders and stone
Free will has wrought this upon you.
Eden reduced to ashes and bones
A paradise of parasites
A world left to the worms
A funeral
For all those who dared to dream
A procession of ancient souls
As citadels crumble
black birds and black skies.
A ritual burning now engrained.
Memory of what's been lost.
A pyre amongst the spires
Free will has wrought this upon you.
Eden reduced to ashes and bones
A paradise of parasites.
A world left to the worms
holocaust of reason
a fate sealed and signed.
I weep for those above me
I mourn those now below
Blood sacrifice
burn up the sky.
We send this world up into the fire
Blood sacrifice
Burn up the sky.
The thrill of killing a world and watching it all die.
Reborn from ashes. Rehewn from bones
Rebuilt from bodies remember the fault
Reborn from ashes. Rehewn from bones
Rebuilt from bodies remember the fault
Wrath of the father
Wrath of the mother
Revelation of sin. Destiny now unwound
Wrath of the father
Wrath of the mother
Free will has wrought this upon you.
Eden reduced to ashes and bones
A paradise of parasites.
A world left to the worms
holocaust of reason
A fate sealed and signed.
I weep for those above me
I mourn those now below