Africa Unite il partigiano john

It's here
It's that past that surfaces
they are outbursts of anger and tension, it can no longer hold
John knows it,
he is seventy years old and will return
to embrace his rifle
if he has to go he will go
he is a partisan and he will fight
is there mercy?
They fired the first shot here
right in the face, it explodes in the face
in cold blood and in full sun
now you know that the first shot should be fired here
Straight in the face, it blows up in the face
the first time it hurts
and then.
But John is very tired and hungry,
hungry for help and support
that the storm is not from
they mixed up the cards
and the dealer collects
It's a scam.
The sand and gold
For those who don't know.
The first shot must be fired here
straight in the face, it explodes in the face
the first time it hurts you
and then, free.
The first shot was fired here
straight in the face, it explodes in the face
in cold blood and in full sun