Afro Celt Sound System ireann

An gcuirfea fios orm / Would you search me out
Am mdahid gat orm / Would you recognize me
M'uisci, croi gach crann / My waters, the heart of every tree
An gcuirfea know me / Would you look for me
N'na Kandje... barika... sondon baya gbelemande... ah...
Ikan soron kanke djede wolodi... barika bilatomandi ha
Kiyensoron de kan n'ke
Diede wolodi... dununya... sodon baya gbelemande
Eh nana Kandje fiye dinyesa
Chuiris cros I lar an bothair dom / You placed a sign on the road to guide me
Lamh nan gharad in am a ghatair dom / A hand of friendship in a time of need
Feach doimhin tistung I'd suile gorm / I look deep into your blue eyes
Eireann, Eireann / Ireland, Ireland
Chuiris cros I lar an bjothair dom / You placed a sign on the road to guide me
Lamh nan gcarad in am a ghatair dom / A hand of friendship in a time of need
Feach dominh iint I'd suile gorm / I look deep into your blue eyes
Eireann, Eireann / Ireland, Ireland
Eireann, Eireann / Ireland, Ireland
Eireann, Eireann / Ireland, Ireland