Against Myself god of deads

In red and black sands of ancient world
Lays the land of the dead
where only his Lord can guide the resurrection
Your trial will begin in the last day
Your heart like a feather must weigh
or the end will come
Tonight, the hell will shine and the heaven will burn
My decision will lead you to sleep
God of deads!
Have you committed iniquity? I haven't committed iniquity
Have you betrayed the truth? I haven't betrayed the truth
Have you caused suffering? I haven't caused suffering
Have you benefi ted the evil? I haven't benefi ted the evil
Your trial will begin in the last day
Your heart like a feather must weigh
or the end will come
Tonight, the hell will shine and the heaven will burn
My decision will lead you to sleep
God of deads! Your trial will begin in the last day
Your heart like a feather must weigh
or the end will come
Tonight, the hell will shine and the heaven will burn
My decision will lead you to sleep