Agghiastru una

Who tears bright cute
A curruggiu of your eyes
A lu suli then iddi dries
And the night then attacks it stops
You feel them make you laugh again
Return to my hell there is
Viola viola l'addevi jocanu
While a ciuri will wither 
Sound the bell to the dead
Pi my soul accumpagnà
Nna lu jaddinu di lu piaciri
Idda arriposa in eternity ...
Unia, unia chi sona, unia chi 'ntrona
Who are malatu e frariciu
/>The one that will sound the most...
With every touch the female choir stays
While a ciuri will wither 
Cu stu sonnu 'nmalirittu
Iddu beat me na lu pettu
In silence it's my turn...
In silence now moru
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Translation into Italian
(in the Sicilian vernacular, this word
Indicates the tolling of a death knell)
What brilliant tears
They flow from your eyes
Then they dry in the sun
And the night begins again
I hear them make them laugh
br/>Inside me there is a hell
Along the path children play
While a flower will wither
The death bell rings
For my soul to accompany
In the garden of pleasures
He will rest for eternity 
Agony, ringing agony, ringing agony
What a sick and sodden sound
The agony for the one who will ring 
With every touch the heart stops
While another flower will wither
With this cursed sound
That beats in my chest
In silence it's my turn
In silence now I die