Alacranes Musical dos muchachos

And up in the mountains my friend
Two boys were talking, it was my turn to listen
I was surprised by the comment of two minors
They were talking about drugs as a natural thing
One to the other They said to each other
How did things go for you, carnal?
It was great for me and I was even able to buy it
And I bought an R-15 for what might happen
The other one I answered
It hasn't gone so well for me
Days ago I had a fight, the train almost took me away
They attacked me with a horn
They almost saw me fall
I I wonder, gentlemen, where you are going to go
If you are involved in drugs you should hide it
Don't show off your money
That ambition causes harm
Oh, greetings to everyone the heavy breed of the coconoscle
Puro Val Paraiso Zacatecas
Oyga and we go to Torres
Puro Santa Maria Del Oro Durango, Oyga, Primo
Two boys were talking, it was my turn to listen
I was surprised by the comment of two minors
They talked about drugs as a natural thing
They said to each other
The judicial police no longer find what to do
Well, you know that nothing can be done to the minors
They are in a big dilemma without being able to solve it
I wonder, gentlemen, where they are going to go
If they are involved in drugs, they should hide it
br/>Do not show off your money
Ambition causes harm