Alain Bashung elsass blues

I was born all alone near the border
The one that scared you so much yesterday
In my area we didn't make a fuss
The stork did all the work
It's not easy to be from nowhere
To be the baby of chance
Hey Gipsy, you have more luck than me
The blues are smells good in your voice
Elsaà blues, Elsaà blues
I love it...
I'll have to sew it up
Elsa another glass of Sylvaner
To grease grandma's rocking chair
Put your black butterfly on your head
I'll give you a hug this evening after the party
Don't that I'm talking to the Levys across the street
Mém© told me to stay in your place
Hey Gipsy... I won't have my baccalaureate
I'll never have a career re from Bismark
Elsaà blues, Elsass blues
I like it...
I'll have to sew it again
Elsaà blues, Elsass blues
Ca me amouse...
I'll have to sew it up
I live in a blockhouse under the sea
Elsa is as beautiful as yesterday
Her house is drowning in my dry white
I haven't found the last Kraftwerk
Elsaà blues, Elsaà blues
I love it...
I'll have to sew again