Alan Getto wick and the wax

The lights turned off
we should out the cold
and ourselves in our homes
and we had whisky
to stay warm
we looked around
in circles of lightning flashes
and we watch the snow
as it fell
And the wick doesnt need the wax
to burn, it just helps it stand up
and burn long
and the only thing to do at night
was to read by candle light
and write songs
it just shows
how it goes
when the power turns off
we turn on
The trees bowed down
and snapped under the
and we successfully
got out of their way
the epidemy of tranquility
was in the snowy leaves
and the pines looked so fine
blanketed in white
And the wick doesnt need the wax
to burn, it just helps it stand up
and burn long
the only thing to do at night
was to read by candle light
and write songs
it just shows
how it goes
when the power turns off
we turn on
And the wick doesnt need the wax
to burn, it just helps it stand up
and burn long
the only thing to do at night
was to read by candle light
and write songs
it just shows
how it goes
when the power turns off
we turn on