Alan Stivell emsawadegou revolts

The kingdom was increasingly centralized
The kingdom was increasingly concentrated
The treaty was not respected by the kings
en/>The people of Breizh did not often fight against the king of that country
The king's victory was always bloody and merciless
'Red caps did not rise were all Cornishmen
There were a little communist already a hundred years before the Paris revolution
Couriers were hanged from trees on the main roads
The king of France was as cruel as the king of England and ' Eirinn
The people of the country were ahead of an old tradition
The churches are almost ready to kill their feelings
More and more and worse and worse
Grew the oppression of the French.
Worse and worse and less and less
Their respect for the promises made.
The Breton people rose in arms,
Time and again put down in blood.
/>The Red Bonnet rebels of Kernew
Were communards before their time.
More and more and worse and worse
Grew the oppression of the French.
Worse and worse and less and less
Their respect for the promises made.
On every tree on each high way
A peasant body hanging high.
In Brittany the French, in Ireland the English
Were each as cruel as the other.
More and more and worse and worse
Grew the oppression of the French.
Worse and worse and less and less
Their respect for the promises made.
Traditions of fraternity
Continued still in these terrible times
But respect for the ancient ways
Was under attack from the Holy Church.