Alan Stivell lands of my fathers bro gozh ma zadou hen wlad fy nhadau

We Bretons with all our hearts love our true country
The coast is famous all over the world
Our fathers were so good at the middle of the war
Who shed their blood for it
O Brittany my country me'gar ma 8ro
Tra ma vo 'r mor 'vel mur n he zro
Ra vezo digabestr ma bro
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl I mi
Ggvvlad beirod a chantorion, enwogion o fr
Ei el gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarvvyr tra mad
Tros ryddid collasant eu gwaed
Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwald
Tra mor yn fur i'
Song for survival, it is not yet time to forget.. .