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You're making love to someone else
But my heart will forever be yours
What the body does, the soul forgives
So much loneliness what almost drove me crazy
I'm going to say it's love
I'm going to swear it's passion
And say what I feel with all the affection thinking about you< br/>I'm going to do whatever and with all the emotion
The truth is that I lie that I live alone
I don't know how to forget you
And then the illusion that I created ended
Emotion went away and we just asked for time to pass
No longer I know who loved me
What did I say
You can see at this point that love
It is only measured after pleasure
It stays inside my chest always I miss you
Just thinking about your way I truly love
And when the desire comes it's your name that I call
I can even like someone but it's you that I love