Alejandro Fernandez agua de mar

Today I return to you
for better or worse
like a bird to its lair
that, having a wounded soul, has forgotten to fly.
Today I return together to you
without even knowing why
this love that was sunk
in the ashes of oblivion
has decided to be reborn.
And although I know that it was my mistake
I have to accept it
I don't know how to escape
you have become an obsession
and I come here to ask you
to help me save
a poor, crazy heart
Like the water that returns to the sea
today I come to beg you for another chance
like the water that returns to the sea
today I come to confess to you
that my wounded man cannot find heart
another reason to live
than to be again and forever
forever with you.
Today I return to you
I have learned the lesson
the desire was a whim
that intoxicated my senses
it led me to betrayal.
Today I return to you
it was my fault, I already know
I got lost because the path
of the lips that gave me
the passion of another woman.