Alejandro Sanz el club de la verdad

I don't expect love
Don't expect that I didn't wait,
Wait for the wall,
Don't come back just to come back.
With nothing to offer
Who will dare? br/>I'm not talking to you about courage
I'm talking to you about winning.
I thought the sea was going to be silent,
I thought a storm was claiming me,
That it hates me the sea, I don't know how to love.
Someone didn't see the light
Don't blame me,
I bear my own cross
But I can carry six.
br/>The truth club
It's going to close,
It never made it to your mouth,
What are you going to talk about now? turn off your look,
It leaves behind my anxiety
But it leaves and the poppy falls asleep
And the streetlight turns off.
I don't wait for God
I hope he waits for me
It's this strange faith
I don't believe for the sake of believing.
Without fires to light
Who will dare
I'm not talking to you of courage,
I do not lose for the sake of losing.
I thought that the sea was going to be silent
I thought that a storm claimed me,
That the sea hates me, that it does not to love.
The club of truth
It's going to close,
It never managed to reach
To your mouth,
What are you going to talk to me about now?
Your gaze goes out,
It goes after my anxiety
But it goes and the poppy goes to sleep.
The club of truth
It's going to close,
br/>It never reached your mouth,
What are you going to talk to me about now?
And the streetlight goes out.