Alex Olmedo the invincibles

Here I am
wishing there was other
way to hike
'long the way to grasp the destiny
that is written in the stars
But we're not left to fate
we'll stand and fight again
as we possess the strength
to be unbeaten by death
in the end
Arms in hand
turn my head in sorrow
go to march
time's already summoned to the strife
our nature is to fight
We won't be left to fate
we'll stand and fight again
as we possess the strength
to be unbeaten by death
in the end
There's a time for war
a time for peace
a time to brave the fear
There's a time for love
a time for hate
and times that won't return
We won't be left to fate
we'll stand and fight again
as we possess the strength
to be unbeaten by death
in the end