All That Noise hot prices for cool heads

A forest tree that falls and no one gives a dime
neglected, pulled aside, a nonexistent life
gentle fancy men, at what price?
sepia colored parrots, singing nice
Which is reality's address i need the way to happiness
I 'm on this path
TV implanted memories similar identities
you look like ants
Success Mr. X you 're always half-dressed to impress
you 're respected by following the beaten track
Away from that fool, from that devilish little liar
'cause when he was a child he used to play with fire
Smiley glossy cheeks impressed by knights in white
you're members of pink worlds, you're so excited
be careful of whooooo you admire
you 're breeding empty heads, vile vampires
What are the prices for cool heads, for easy ways to step ahead
what's in your brain?
connections with the embassies the monsters on the entrances
the jungle law
Success Mr. X you 're always half-dressed to impress you 're respected by following the beaten track
Away from that fool, from that devilish little liar
'cause when he was a child he used to play with fire