Almamegretta eguaglione d o sole

Yes, someone says you can't do it, you can't do it. Yes, someone doesn't help you. You can't do it. Every time the sun clears up, the sky is clearing. pe'tte
dint''a chill'uocchie 'and the guy wants to see'
yes God gave you this life you don't want to take advantage'
'to those who care about For deaf people, everything is a bit ffa'
No man is born, grows up and dies, there's no freedom
Yes, this man doesn't even have to choose when he has to do it
young fellah young fellah
keep on fighting keep on fighting
young fellah young fellah
stay united stay united
young fellah young fellah
keep on fighting keep on fighting
young fellah young fellah
keep on throwing rocks to the power that be
it's written ca milk and mmele this land gives us
but now it's written ca pe' tte doesn't have any where is he?
It's as always, some a lot and some nothing and some 'get as much as I want'
take what I want, take it now
young fellah...