Alogia kao snegovi

It's as if I know that feeling
when time goes against you,
when that memory comes
of one winter and some snows...
As if the world is slowly disappearing
while cold hands wipe away the years,
my breath freezes as I look for clues,
I still hear those voices
that wake me up at night,
they call me by name,
they say that you leave,
and I remain...
We are pain and fear
to cover me like snow,
I still feel the icy breath
is it just the north wind...
And if I know that time is flying by
sometimes I visit our parks
then I want you to appear
and to revive all the winter spirits
whatever happens at night they
call me by name,
they say you are leaving,
and I remain
we are pain and fear
to cover me like snow,
still I feel the icy breath
or it's just the north wind...