Altre di B flowers

It's half past of Sunday night
and he's asking me if I'm all right.
It's so easy to understand.
The legless man shouts against his wife,
this makes me think about life.
All bitter disappointments could 'come sweet word like Marsh Mallows,
not so bad.
Please tell me
why I'm lying in a corner all alone
scared by the gentry hope?
And I feel safe
hedge in my bolt hole.
I'll never grow
like flowers on the mountain top.
Well, I light up for the last time a stupid cigarette waiting for a bus
that maybe I'll never catch,
it's striding like a soldier at the other side
of the road.
In his face you can see that's not a guy
but a man.
It's half past of Sunday night
and he's asking me if I'm all right.
It's so easy to understand.
The legless man shouts against his wife,
this makes me think about life.
Things that I had loved most
are all that things that I've just lost.