Amanda Miguel como un titere

I wanted ours
To be more than a habit
I wanted to know every fold of your being
To travel beyond the borders of the skin
How many nights in your arms have I cried until I fell asleep?
How many times did I crash into your wall of silence?
Because you never took the trouble to understand
And I still wonder which path leads to you
And What new language can I invent for you so that one day you want to hear me? Many times I have tried to become strong and forget you. It makes me angry because my dignity was almost lost, however. Like a puppet I let myself be driven
And I still wonder which way to get to you
I live dying small deaths and this agony has no end
I know I lose you and I'm afraid
If not It's with you, I don't want to live
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah