Amber Thompson & Friends little by little

I started walking when I was small
I'm learning new things as I grow
Some people say I'm getting so tall
Where did that little kid go?
Inside and out God is making me new
You may not see it happening until he is through
Little by little I'm changing, I'm growing
Little by little I hope that its showing
I'm not who I'll be, I'm not who I was
I'm somewhere in the middle
But God is changing me, little by little
Sometimes it feels like I'm so far away
From all that I know I should be
But His word says that He'll finish one day
All that He started in me
I look at me and I don't understand
But God has a vision and God has a plan
Every time each step of faith gets me a little bit nearer
I can't wait til the brand new me shows up in the mirror