Amery Rey Tuesta the dark side of the hype

He said. He knows, what we need in life.
To get this happiness,
Which everybody,
Is looking for.
He follows us, wherever we go.
Because so that he will say to us
In the moment to buy
What we should have.
Inside your mind
He is riding to you.
Whatever you need
It's what he wants, you to buy
For his own desire.
They say that by buying their food, we'll get happiness.
They say that by buying their drinking, we'll get happiness.
They say that by buying their objects, we'll get happiness.
They say also that by being good looking, we will get happiness.
How we can get rid of.
It's the dark side of these fucking hype.
It's never true what they say to us
They only want one thing,
Is your likes:.
They are liar's genius
So they know how to cheat you
Be aware to don't lose yourself
In this war
Where you don't matter.
Once you are in
You will forget everything
And the worse thing
Is that You will know
And do nothing.
Wake up and get out from the dark side of the hypes.
Wake up and get out from the dark side of the hypes.
Wake up and get out from the dark side of the hypes.
Wake up!