Amery Rey Tuesta the hidden sun

The sun is hidden again.
Behind the clouds he stays
To see how much we miss him.
He always comes back again.
He will never be gone.
We are not the only one.
Who need him to live.
Mother Earth needs him as well.
Let's talk about thousand clouds,
Millions and billions drops.
All them comes from the sun
To give life, beauty and justice.
Always best things
Is thrust in your trials.
Through them you will learn more
About yourself.
The sun is hidden again.
You walk in the rain.
It will be over very soon
So what we need now is to wait.
If you don't like to wait.
Do something instead
And don't wait under the rain.
You are free to hide yourself as well.
Always-best thing in life
Is follow the sun.
Through him your will learn
To light up your life everyday.