Amfortas nocturno

It's Once Again!
Every effort is always beautiful.
But not the bond that he builds, he will help in his love.
We cannot win if we only seek perfection,
because the goal pulls us.
We build and create honestly,
but we lack a spark of love.
We need to find the will of God.
So the dawn, the morning pleases us,
because we are drawn by faith in love,
that the life of eternity is within us.
God gave himself to us, we should give ourselves,
find light in love from and for him,
joy to live and laugh...
I know what true love knows,
ever since I've known her.
Whether I'm good or bad,
she gives the same taste everywhere.
Swallow the sweetness of love,
always have a feeling of strength, growth. love,
you have nothing but God, crisis.
Whoever loves, knows it,
loving goals is close.
You suffer, you suffer, you bear crisis,
you just want to rest, catch your breath.
However, Ciel gives you this love,
you forget yourself, love and dream.
Join us join us join us,
join us join us.
Maranatha, maranatha,
maranatha, maranatha (Jesus, come to us).
Maranatha, maranatha...